India is on our side, I think.
I was trying to decide whether or not we drive on the same side as India. It's taken me this long to figure out which side of the road Indian's are meant to be driving on and I've concluded that it's the left hand side. But by the time I figured this out I've forgotten which side we drive on and my head hurts, I think it's the same..!
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...
Incidentally, if someone told me that many Indian women are deaf in their right ears I wouldn't be surprised and I'd know why!!
Motorcycles here are so designed that the footrests are on the left side, meaning when sitting side saddle you meet all the sand, grit and dust (boy there is a lot of dust!!) right ear first.
I had so much sand in mine I could have built a beach and charged admission!
The staring I've almost got used to again, in fact I think I will feel quite lost and unspecial when I get home and no-one on the street pays any attention to me, let alone stares!!
However, today Gideon took just a little too long getting the bike started, giving some guy (probs somewhere between 17 and 21) enough time to take several pictures of me on his phone.
Impressed? Not much!
Other things that do not impress Lydia: whistling and sucking teeth at her when she goes by and all leering in general.
"Waiter" *clicks*
You know that odd possessed-like stare people get when trying to catch the attention of a waiter? Well that would never, ever happen in the restaurant me and Gid were in today. Ever.
Let me set the scene.
We walk up some nice, shiny and CLEAN stairs into a restaurant that was so posh! and expensive looking, and, well, CLEAN!! There must have been about seven waitors, five chefs waiting and two in the kitchen and two managers (?) just for us two (it was otherwise empty, Gid said we were early for Saturday tea by Indian time, 6.45pm ish, and apparently people don't eat out much on Saturdays as they associate restaurants with non-veg (meat) and Hindus don't really eat meat (non-veg) on Sundays and Tuesdays... Yeah I didn't follow either...)
So Gideon went to the loo, and he took what felt like ages; well any amount of time would with at least 28 eyes on you! Literally intent stares. I just sat there, looking around, trying not to make eye contact...
So! The service!!! A guy brought along the naan and ''paneer'' (What Gideon described as grated milk that had been boiled) and we were half way through said paneer when OUT OF NOWHERE a waiter popped up and served some more onto our plates. The meal finished and he he brought a bowl of warm water with lemon in it (hand washing) and odd annaseed sugar crystals for digestion and to clean the mouth.
Only reservation? I must have missed the sign on the way in that said ''warning: we only play questionable covers of cheesy eighties music'' :)
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