
Wednesday 14th

What happened to Tuesday?
It's now day seven and the last few days have been fairly uneventful; Gideon spends most of the time away with Duncan on various travels and errands and Suma is tired from her travels or busy in the kitchen, though I have had a couple of very nice conversations with her, she is so kind and well tempered. Her and Mohan (Gideon's music assistant person whose name always escapes Duncan's mind so is often referred to as ''our friend'') get along really well, enjoying a lot of Telugu banter and quick paced conversations.
This leaves me in Joel's company who plays computer games, names colours or sleeps. He's totally adorable, if intense! Each activity I do with the adults or on my own is saturated with cries of ''Auntie auntie fight the bad boys'' or occasionally ''which colour this one?''. I have now played the beginning of the spider-man 2 computer game over and over and over again! You will all be pleased to know that I have outsmarted Doctor Octopus on many occasions. I'm helping Joel get the hang of the game himself, giving me some time to do the readings or write this. When Telugu takes over I turn again to Mandela's biography so I can still be with everyone if not in the conversation!!
Hopefully as time goes on my limited Telugu will improve so I can take part in some of the conversations. Currently a lot of gecko watching takes place on my part, which I love! By the by, I've named all the geckos Ezekiel after a conversation with Anna about how cool the nickname 'Zeek' is. I like the idea of Zeek the Geecko :)
In addition to the Ezekiels we have countless bugs and King Nibbles the rat. 'Nibbles' because, well because he looks like a nibbles and the 'King' part came from Gideon, probably after the fact that he sits on the wires above our beds, running up and down, mocking Gideon's inability to catch him.
If it were down to Gideon there would be one less King Nibbles in the flat.

Favourite Quote So Far:
Yesterday on the bike back from the restaurant Gideon was saying how cold it gets in winter;
"In December we didn't [even] use the fans''...

Plenty to look forward to!
Duncan left today for Kadium where Gideo, Suma, Joel and I will follow this Saturday. Gid comes back to Vizag Sunday evening to work a week in school (he does half an hour each morning) and compose some more songs. He'll join us the following Friday/Saturday and we'll all come back around the Monday (26th) and Kelvin should be here on the 28th.
I can't wait for Kadium! I'll meet lots of other Christadelphians and have a fraternal which'll be nice! Plus I may actually be some help in Sunday school or something as currently I feel more of a hindrance than anything else..!
PLUS Suma said we can go shopping so I'll look less conspicuous which I can't wait for. Ah shopping. Ah Indian clothes!

But, looks like I won't be going to Gideon's sister's school as re-planned, just the way things work out I guess! When Kelv gets here hopefully I'll be able to join him once he's settled in De Paul school next door as was originally planed =D

Mood: On the whole having a good time and glad I'm here, looking forward to the pace picking up again after such a busy few first days!! Also, in Kadium there is a shower!!


  1. Ask Gideon if you can accompany him to School one day. Full school assembly is a spectacle to behold!
    ...is this the first received post? How exciting!

  2. Yes, they do drive on the same side as us. Know why? Because we told them to!

  3. In winter they wrap up in jumpers or coats - and we're still in thin shirts. The Kadiam shower beats the bucket and dipper any time - and in the heat the shower is nice and refreshing, being cold only; but not really that cold as it comes from the tank on the roof and is warmed, somewhat, by the sun.
