
Wednesday 14th Evening

(Sorry for the back log, been away from a computer for what feels like AGES, it's actually now the 26th, but shhh don't tell anyone ;])

Dananananananana Batmaan.
At about 7 o'clock we went shopping.
In India, around dusk, the sky turns into an indefinable blue colour; the clouds reminded me of those from 'James and the Giant Peach' where the rhino comes down... only not as scary!
Every now and then great flashes of lightening fill the sky and I can feel it starting to spit with rain. I'm on the back of Gideon's bike and Joel is riding on the front under Gideon's instructions to keep his eyes tight shut because of the dust, have I mentioned how dusty it is?
So I'm sat there wondering if India ever sleeps (between 11.30pm and 4.00am according to Suma) when I looked up and saw a bat. I then spent at least ten minutes trying to think of an appropriate plural form (swarm of bats? batch? flock?) as there were just so many!
This was pretty incredible, my limited experience of bats in England, mainly around Portland, consists of: Was that a bat? Could have been a bat... ''hey mum did I just see a bat?'' ''May have been Lydia I didn't see.'' Wow I just saw a bat! Maybe.
Against this wonderful darkish recycling-box-blue backdrop the were so impressive! Naturally, being the intellectual I am, one of the first things I thought of was how much they reminded me of the Batman calling symbol. Go figure.
Ok, the doodle I've just drawn in no way does these creatures credit!

Decisions Decisions...
Shopping itself was good fun; we didn't go to a market place but a big fancy shop with fixed prices, I've been to similar things in Morocco, you get less of an experience than markets but there is more choice and presumably better quality!
Now, those of you who know me well or have ever been shopping with me will know how completely useless at it I am. I can never make up my mind and always need a second opinion to know what I want! It's really quite embarrassing and I did try and warn Gideon before hand! Anyway purchases were made so now I'm happy!

More decisions...
Mohan is teaching me to play chess. Fortunately it's easy enough to explain without the use of too much English. The main phrases I hear are:
''My next move'' (accompanied by a demonstration)
''Very nice''
''Protect, protect''
''Play, play'' when I can't decide.
The game would have been over in seconds but Mohan showed me what he would do next, he never told me which move I should make but often undid my mistakes. He won, of course, but I feel cleverer all ready!

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