
Friday 30th July

''Es-Ca-Pay" Hey that's spelt like escape!
Kelv, Joel, Suma and I went... walked to the park today! It's bout 100m from the house and is so beautiful! Not to mention the fact that it was great to get out!
Joel was a total cutie and it was good for us all to let off some steam! I spent most of the time marveling at the fact that I hadn't keeled over from the sudden excursion after so much vegging out!
In the afternoon Kelv did some clarinet practice in his new house which was really cool to watch and listen to! Joel turned up and started jumping, spinning and other almost rhythmical movements to the music!
Mega cute yet again!
In the evening we went out for a meal. It was meant to be all of us (the three of them, the two of us and Mohan) but excuses were made and the westerners were sent off on their own, begrudgingly allowed to be alone in the 'oh-so-dangerous' trendy restaurant in which we were dropped off and from which we were picked up.
Tasty food, cool AC room, great atmosphere, reasonable prices and privacy. Nobody watched us while we ate (except from all the members of staff and some of the customers), nobody complained about the quantity of what we ate or scrutinized and misinterpreted our reactions or... it was really really nice.
Only draw back was pudding *pause to allow shocked readers to get back on their chairs*. It was this odd pinkish and incredibly artificial ice-cream type stuff. It felt as if you were poisoning yourself with every mouthful.

Warning, Kelv is a racist.
There have been a few late night chats as these are the only opportunities for Kelv or myself to speak freely and bouce events or ideas off of eachother.
However, late nights = frayed sensibilities.
We were discussing the awesome travel-pilow Laura gave me and I said ''And it's good because it's wipeable in case it gets dirty". However, somewhere between the sound of the fans and Kelvin's projection of his own racist tendencies onto what I was saying he heard "It's clearly for white people as it doesn't get dirty"!
He looked at me in distaste and I wondered what was so offensive about a wipeable surface... Sure I'd been mumbling a bit and contracted some of the words, but why the disapproval?!
He explained. We both laughed.
Neither of us are racists, despite what one of us chooses to hear!!!

All hail, king Kelv.
So basically, the school has said to Kelvin ''you have a complete free reign on what you teach, please lead a team of teachers to adopt a new style of innovative teaching techniques, that you will create, to help teach and improve on the kids' English".
Kelv has no training. No experience. No qualifications and very little Telugu.
Can you imagine someone in England turning up at your workplace and saying ''Forget however many years of experience and training you've got for this job; I, someone who has no qualifications and no experience of any kind, am going to teach you how to do your job, only better. And why should you recognise my authority? Because I'm white, or black, or from the planet Zorg!"
Kelv pointed out today that in all the movies, songs and music videos out here, the west is portrayed as the land of opportunity and yet he has come here and received a unique level of freedom and been given a totally experimental opportunity that he would never ever get in England. Even if he did have experience or training!
To just teach would take a year of training. But to be asked to train experienced teachers when he has never been through teacher training and so does not know what it is like...?
Only in India, where white worship rules all.

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