
Saturday 31st July

She stole my batteries.
Finally convinced them to go to the cinema, everyone but Kelv dropped out about 5 minutes before we were to leave. We ''had'' top go 3hrs early for a ''6 o'clock'' start, which was actually 7.40pm and required no pre-booking... even though ''no no, all movies start'' and you ''must'' get there in advance.
So we hung around the shopping centre, ate samosa, got followed by some kids, window shopped for Kelv's new apartment (pretending money was no object)... Got a bit bored, watched concrete dry (literally), ate ice-cream from questionable street vendor and then...
We, all by ourselves, poned the auto driver, 'Barnabas Now', got in and asked for food ''yes, yes, yes''. He then phoned Gid to find out what we said and where he should take us.
Eventually we ended up in a place called 'Tycoon - Multi-cultural cuisine'. It had an American-Euro menu!! Spaghetti Neopol...
''No sir,'' (sir because nobody ever addresses me) ''none of this is available. We are in India"
Cashew and Tomato curry very very yummy!
We moved on and Kelvin had a headache so we went to 'Medicals' where we bought some questionable but effective painkillers and consented to the owner having his photo with what were probably his first ever white customers!
Then we saw 'Inception' (A choice of that, 'Salt' (?)or Twighlighht (bluegh)) but we were made 5 minutes late by the crazy security checks and the woman who held my batteries hostage so that I wouldn't use my camera to record the movie. Did she check my bag for other batteries? No.
So we get in and for all the Indian timekeeping flaws the cinemas seem to be pretty punctual and without adverts so we were late. Inception was really good but not the kind of film you want start 5-10 minutes into!!
Happy Lyds x

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